History Tablecloth

Sit down and dive into local history

Klik hier voor Nederlandse informatie over het Historisch Tafelkleed.

The History Tablecloth and tablet-app turn any table in to an interactive photo experience full of memories. Place a custom tablecloth depicting a neighbourhood, village or other local area on a table and use the tablet as a ‘magic lens’ to reveal photos from recent history at the location they were taken. Each photo can be picked up from the tablecloth with the tablet to have a closer look, reminisce or tell stories.

The History Tablecloth turns any table into an interactive photo experience by means of a custom tablecloth, tablet, app and tablet stand.

A portable table full of local history

At numerous places in the world people keep rich photo archives. Since the digitalisation of these archives there has been a great interest in new ways of sharing its content with a wide audience. In that context the idea of an interactive multimedia table is not new. Early versions were often received with great enthusiasm (and prices) because of their potential for reducing social isolation and treatment of dementia. But until now these installations always have been relatively large in size and used expensive technical solutions, like large touch screens.

History Tablecloth’s full of personal stories of the municipality of Rheden.

The History Tablecloth uses only a tablecloth and standard tablet so it can be used with any table and is very portable. The app uses augmented reality to create a physical way of browsing through the content that comes natural to both experienced and in-experienced tablet users.

History Tablecloths in the Netherlands

Hoog+Diep has created History Tablecloths for elderly homes of Rotterdam care organisation Laurens and the municipality of Rheden. Each elderly home in the neighbourhood of Delfshaven, Overschie and the city of Krimpen aan den IJssel has a custom History Tablecloth they use for day care and reminiscence therapy.


Inhabitants of the neighbourhood of Overschie (in Rotterdam) explore photo’s and share memories.

More info

The Historical Tablecloth is a product of Hoog+Diep. If you have interest in bringing it to your neighbourhood or city, feel free to contact Pieter Diepenmaat: pieter@hoogendiep.nl